"We All"
"We All Fall Short" red super soft, super comfortable poly blend tee!
We All Fall Short is what is read over the hand reaching for the trapeze bar on the front of this red poly blend tee. On the back is our mascot "Gideon" the Fully Armed Soldier. With this lightweight material and an ink that you can not feel, you will love wearing this shirt!
This shirt is based on Romans 3:23-"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." It depicts a hand reaching for, but not being able to grab a trapeze. For a trapeze artist all it takes is one fault in their routine to miss the bar and fall. Just like one sin is all that it takes for us to fall short of God's perfect glory. "We have all sinned and fall short", but we have a Savior(Jesus Christ) who lived the perfect life for us and bore all of our sins(past,present,&future) on the cross so that we can be saved from our mistakes and experience God's glory forever.